niño de sábado

This blog was founded in order to share my thoughts, feelings, musings, rants and any other rambling thoughts with the world. Please feel free to comment, disagree, argue or just say hello. We're in the world, let's keep in touch.

Location: Los Angeles, California, United States

This blog is for all the parents out there, especially the dads, and especially-especially for the stay at home dads. Spending most of my days alone with a baby has been one of the most challenging experiences of my life, and it often leaves me wondering if I am the only one who has gone through this. I would love to hear from those of you who read it. Please feel free to share your comments, experiences, or advice. My daughter/Baby Ham is a marvel, a miracle, and the best reason to get up in the morning. I hope you all enjoy sharing our journey down Parenthood/Childhood Lane.

Saturday, January 07, 2006


I've been trying to find out how to add photos to my blog. The "Hello" blogbot program only works with PCs. That sucks! I'm a Mac man. If anyone out there can help with this nueva problema, please do.
NEWS FLASH! I checked, and the photo does appear, so I guess my experiment works. Who says you can't learn anything after 40! Woo-hoo!


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