Random Thoughs 1

This photo of Whitney Houston is so sad! Looks like our girl is having a relapse of her serious drug addiction. Why else would she leave the house like that...or better still, why would she be IN the house like that. The photograph was taken at a gas station convenience store at 4 am, by a fan who asked to pose with her. While this is not definitive proof that Whitney is back on drugs, I just think that she'd have to be high on something to agree to take a photograph when she was in this state. The wig. The pajama bottoms, the face, the fur coat! It's so sad.
A few months ago, after the BEING BOBBY BROWN fiasco (which I couldn't take my eyes off, and never missed an episode of thanks to TIVO) there was a picture of Whitney walking down the street looking happy, healthy, youthful and glamorous again. I was so happy to see that picture. I showed it to Ricky, he was happy, too. We both thought she was getting her act together and would be able to release a new albums of songs showcasing her phenomenal voice. But alas, looks like the demons have got a hold of the diva one mo 'gain. I hope she is able to recover and reclaim the dignity her talent deserves.
Speaking of her talent, tonight a parade of Whitney wannabes will be featured on the new season of AMERICAN IDOL!!!! I'm so excited. I LOVE this show, and I'm so happy it's back. I've got the tequila, limes and microwave popcorn all ready for the two hour season premiere tonight. Ricky and I are going to play a drinking game where we have to take tequila shots everytime Paula Abdul throws a hissy fit or says something stupid. I guess we're gonna get pretty drunk, because Paula will be Paula.
if my hangover is not too bad, I'll write my thoughts on the shows tomorrow.
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