niño de sábado

This blog was founded in order to share my thoughts, feelings, musings, rants and any other rambling thoughts with the world. Please feel free to comment, disagree, argue or just say hello. We're in the world, let's keep in touch.

Location: Los Angeles, California, United States

This blog is for all the parents out there, especially the dads, and especially-especially for the stay at home dads. Spending most of my days alone with a baby has been one of the most challenging experiences of my life, and it often leaves me wondering if I am the only one who has gone through this. I would love to hear from those of you who read it. Please feel free to share your comments, experiences, or advice. My daughter/Baby Ham is a marvel, a miracle, and the best reason to get up in the morning. I hope you all enjoy sharing our journey down Parenthood/Childhood Lane.

Thursday, January 19, 2006

American Idol Returns

It's baaaaack! And I've waited so long. My favorite show...well, one of my favorites. In the reality category I also love SURVIVOR, AMERICA'S NEXT TOP MODEL, THE REAL WORLD, PROJECT RUNWAY. My God, I'm a reality TV Junkie! Even though, none of these shows have anything to do with reality, I like to think of them as 'unscripted' shows, with people who are not professional actors. And I enjoy them. I make no excuses. I certainly don' t appologize. I just have a helluva good time watching them.

Back to AMERICAN IDOL, which is not so much a reality show as it is a competition, just like STAR SEARCH, except they show the lousy singers at the beginning of the season, and the country gets to vote on the winner during the rest of the year. I think it's ingenius!

I remember the first time I heard about AI. I had a few people over for dinner, and someone mentioned Paula Abdul would be judging a singing contest. We all got a big laugh from that. As much as I and many others may have loved dancing to Paula's hits like, STRAIGHT UP and OPPOSITES ATTRACT, we never confused her with a singer. Those were the days when Whitney was in her prime, that was as singer! But Paula, her voice sounded as if she inhaled a tank of helium, and then some studio engineers twisted knobs, flicked switches and probably wore out a computer with Pro Tools to get her on key. Still the songs were fun bubblegum pop, and she could tap dance her ass off, and she made cool videos. But to have her judge singing? Well, you don't have to be a chicken to know an egg when you see one, right? So I guess it's cool. But that night, I thought it was funny and outrageous and made it a point to tune in to the show.

Who knew that it would become a phenomenon and a show that I never miss...well, except for last years finale. I skimmed through it really fast after TIVO recorded it because I wasn't interested in either Carrie or Bogus...I mean Bo Bice the 'rocker.' LOL. He's such a parody of a style of music that fell off the charts back in the late 70's when Randy Jackson was slim and still jammin' with rock bands on tour. I'm sure that's why he liked and promoted Bo so much. But as a singer, "eh!" Never did much for me. And Carrie, she's got a great voice, although God knows she gets really nasal in her higher register, but then that's country. Most unfortunately, I find her a boring performer. No fire. Or like that judge on DANCING WITH THE STARS said, 'All sizzle, no sausage.'

Season four of Idol was not one of my favorites, but I will continue to be loyal to the show that gives me so much pleasure. Is it schaden freude that I get such a kick out of the misery of those so tone deaf that they think they can actually sing, and go on national television to embarass themselves? Well, no one told them to leave their houses and stand in line for days and days and come up sounding like a moose taking a colonic.

That leads me to my favorite guy, the above pictured Simon Cowell. Randy and Paula each do their part, but next to Simon, their influence and honesty is a joke. Paula usually parrots the 'desperate to be hip' Randy and they both look like fools most of the time, especially when they try to put down Simon, the only one who tells it like the TV viewers see it. The show would be nothing without Scowel, and so he deserves the healthy contract he just signed to renew for five years. I mean, the fifth season premiered with more than 35 million people tuned in. Fantastic!

When I was in Canada, I had the chance to watch Canadian Idol two years in a row. Sad. No comparison. The singers aren't as good. The judges are so milquetoast and the host is worse than Seacrest Out! It was a tepid affair, but I watched because it got me my idol fix. And I needed it.

So, the season is under way. I'm happy, and looking forward to actually liking this years' winner so I can rush out and purchase their music, but only if it's for sale on iTunes, I don't do that record store crap anymore.

On a sad note, the wicked Wilson Pickett died recently. Anyone over 35 knows who he is. Most younger kids would say, "Who?" Maybe I shoudl say anyone "Black and over 35" would know who he is, because he was a true R&B star. A wonderful singer with a lusty, throaty, gravelly voice. A real soul shouter, who could entertain a live audience, unlike many of the studio dependent stars of today. When I hear Wilson Pickett songs like, "The Midnight Hour" "Don't Let the Green Grass Fool You" and "Mustang Sally" it takes me back to a time when I was a kid and my parents and aunts and uncles were young. When they would get dressed up and go to house parties and drink and dance. I love thinking back on those days. My mother and my Aunt Joyce were so beautiful and young, and my dad was a handsome dude. The hair, the clothes, the music from that era is so nostalgic to me. I guess why I was so excited yesterday seeing tiny snippets of DREAMGIRLS in production on ET. Can't wait to see that movie. Hope they don't fuck it up.

Anywho, go gently into that good night, Wilson Pickett, someone here in West Hollywood is missing you.


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