niño de sábado

This blog was founded in order to share my thoughts, feelings, musings, rants and any other rambling thoughts with the world. Please feel free to comment, disagree, argue or just say hello. We're in the world, let's keep in touch.

Location: Los Angeles, California, United States

This blog is for all the parents out there, especially the dads, and especially-especially for the stay at home dads. Spending most of my days alone with a baby has been one of the most challenging experiences of my life, and it often leaves me wondering if I am the only one who has gone through this. I would love to hear from those of you who read it. Please feel free to share your comments, experiences, or advice. My daughter/Baby Ham is a marvel, a miracle, and the best reason to get up in the morning. I hope you all enjoy sharing our journey down Parenthood/Childhood Lane.

Sunday, February 05, 2006

Maybe He Ain't Crazy, But Something's Wrong!

Dave Chapelle was on Oprah this week, and my head is still reeling! What the hell was he talking about? Did he really answer any questions? It all seem like a lot of rambling to me. And thank God for Tivo, because a few times I had to rewind to figure out what he was talking about. It didn't help. And just between you and me Dave, buy some Chapstick, eat a greasy porkchop or something! Those lips of yours had enough crack for you, Whitney and Bobby Brown!

I was never a big Dave Chapelle fan. Something about his whiney/nasal drawling delivery made him hard for me to listen to. I just didn't get him. Then one day a couple of summers ago, we had people over for a dinner party and all they could talk about was Chapelle's Show. On and on and on my guests were, cracking each other up with catch phrases and jokes from the show. I was so left out, because I had never seen it. A couple of weeks later, I bought the Chapelle Show season one DVD. Ricky and I never laughed so hard (of course, if I remember correctly cannibas was involved) it was funny, cutting edge, smart, and in your face. I was converted. The man was funny and his show was brilliant.

As soon as the second season DVD came out, we bought it, and it didn't let us down in the least. To this day, whenever we are in the mood for something madd funny, we pop in one of Dave's discs and always find something to chortle about. We were both looking forward to season three. I even put it on my Tivo list. We were dedicated Chapell-ites. Then the ceiling came crashing in with reports of Dave walking of the show and out of the county. How bizzare.

So, I was really looking forward to seeing what he had to say on Oprah. I wanted to understand what could make the most successful comedian on television walk away from not only his show, but 50 million dollars. Dave talked a lot about pressure. People wanting to control him. People wanting him to lie (about the walking pnemonia thing.) People building walls in his office.

I could relate to or understand some of what he was talking about. I'm sure he became a commodity and when you bring the heat I'm sure the pressure builds. But it seems to me that Dave was his own worst enemy. He couldn't truly articulate what the problems were. If he didn't want to do comedy that made him ashamed, then he had the power to not do it. The show was in his control. Comedy Central needed him a lot more than he needed them. If he wanted to give his share of the money away to "the people" then who is to stop him? Why does he need to ask for a renegotiation of his contract to give his share of the money away? It's your money, do your thang! If you want to wipe your ass with it then throw it off the Empire State Building, do it. It's your money, who's to stop you?

I have a feeling Dave is very difficult to work with. His demands seem unspecific, as if the company is supposed to anticipate his needs and if they don't - then it's a conspiracy. Even Oprah had to point out that the man is paranoid. He's so paranoid, he didn't even tell his wife and children where he was going when he just up and left for South Africa! Now come on, Dave, that just ain't right.

I still believe Dave Chapelle is a funny man. He was funny in the midst of this confusing interview. And he also has a warm appealing personality that shines when he smiles through those cracked lips. His sharp gift of observation, "Why would anybody go to Africa for medical help?" is as strong as ever. If only he can put things in perspective and get back to work before it's too late. The heat of the spotlight only lasts for so long. Many an artist has fled the light, only to come back when they are ready and find that no one really cares anymore. Hello, Fugees??? Lauryn Hill??? Garth Brooks???

I have a feeling Dave's next move will have a lot to do with how his movie, "Dave Chapelles' Block Party" does in theaters. If it's a big hit, he doesn't have to return to Comedy Central, he can write his own ticket in movies. But if it's not, exepct to see Mr. Chapelle right back where he started from.

On the show, Dave said, "Success takes you where character can't sustain you." I believe that to be true, especially when one's ego overrides their character and they can't see anything but their own needs, desires and feelings as being important. I hope Dave develops a thicker skin (except on the lips,) gets his character in check, and goes back to work...before it's too late.


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