And Then There's CLAUDE!

That is the same advice I would like to pass on to Claude Allen. Try to do better next time. When it you get the urge to commit a crime, commit one that befits your white collar status DAMMIT! What was a man of your stature doing ripping off TARGET and HECHT'S stores? What could possibly be more dumbfounding than a white collar brotha commiting blue collar crimes?
Claude, you big dummy, leave the petty theft to the ones who've earned the right; professional boosters, drug addicts, con artists, or the men, women, children and victims of Hurricane Katrina with no alternative because they've been backed into a dark and lonely economic corner by the administration you supported and advised!
Try to do better next time, Claude. Look around you, there are plenty examples of the level of white collar crime to which you should aspire; leak an FBI agents name to satisfy your vindictave boss, attempt the assasination of a wealthy business man and claim you were shooting quail, start a war for oil in the name of fighting terrorism and finding weapons of mass destruction that don't exist. Come on, Claude, MAN-UP! If you're going to be a Blacpublican, live up to the legacy, dawg.
Lawdy-lawdy, Mista Claudey, try to do better next time! To be in the position you were in, you were most likely already good at deluding yourself, turning your back on reality, and kissing bushy Texan ass! So next time, Claude, if you are hell bent on embarassing our race, do it with the style expected of you by your conservative constituents! Slap on some platinum and diamond Grillz, and commit real estate fraud, or set up a few dummy offshore companies to line your pockets, or fix and election, that should be easy to do, especially in Florida! That's the kind of action that would have kept you in the club, and you'd still have been the administrations 2nd favorite house Niggra!
Damn, brotha, you really f*cked up! Who's gonna sit at the West Wing cafeteria colored table and have lunch with Condi Rice now?
That's all I can stands, 'cause I can't stands no more!
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