Today is Academy Award Day here in Los Angeles. This is a high holy holiday in this town, the reason no one in L.A. gives up hubris for Lent.

Ever since I was a child, I've been dazzled by the Oscars. I still am, even though I've been around this business long enough to know that most awards are just popularity contests. Trust me, if George Clooney weren't so popular in this town, there is no way he would be up for any awards, or GOOD NIGHT & GOOD LUCK would be nominated for best picture. Don't get me wrong, it's not a bad film, it's an 'important' film, the kind of historical dramas they used to take you to see on school trips. Boring, slow, but important. And SYRIANA, was a mish-mash of politico-babble that refused to let the audience in on what the hell was going on. Clooney gained thirty pounds to play his role. Whoop-de-doo! I can gain thirty pounds, bring home the bacon, fry it up in a pan and never let you forget you're a man! No biggie.

Everyone predicts that BROKEBACK MOUNTAIN will win Best Picture, although some are looking out for an upset with CRASH taking the prize. They were both good movies, but neither is my choice for best picture. For my money there was only one film this year that lived up to everything I feel a movie going experience should be, and that picture was:

Many people will scoff at that choice, but I don't give a hoot. KING KONG mesmerized me. People say it was too long, I didn't look at my watch once. I was engrossed from the beginning until the end. I've been a fan of the director, Peter Jackson, for a long time, but not because of THE LORD OF THE RING cycle. Frankly, I found those films boring and indulgent, and I had to watch them on DVD to catch up with the stories because I would always fall asleep watching them in the theaters - talk about LONG, those movies felt interminable to me.
I was a Peter Jackson fan because of HEAVENLY CREATURES one of his earliest and most brilliant films. To watch his artistry in bringing KING KONG to the screen was like church to me. I laughed, I was thrilled, I was on the edge of my seat (when those T-Rexes were after the girl!) and by the end, I was in tears. I saw this movie three times in theaters and will be there on the first day when it comes out on DVD. I expect it will be a big hit then, because people will get to see what they missed in the comfort of their own homes. Too bad for them, because to see it on the big screen - well, it was amazing, and that's what movies are for.
Back to the nominees, I'll just list my favorites.


I'm am prepared to be disappointed because of the Reese Witherspoon (most popular, homecoming queen 2006) will probably take the Oscar home. Too bad. Hollywood wants Reese to win, because she is young and pretty and putting Oscar Winner in front of her name will mean more money at the box office for years to come.
Still, Felicity's performance was an amazing transformation. She descended deep into the character of this troubled man looking to save his life. She found humor, pathos, grit, edge and heart in her performance. Unfortunately, she's not the ingenue that studios think will make big bucks, and Reese is repping the only studio film to have major nominations this year, so the big machine is behind her. Still, stranger things have happened. When Hillary Swank won for BOYS DON'T CRY, it was the most deserving of upsets. Hopefully, history will repeat itself tonight.

Well, we've already discussed who's going to win best picture. If Ang Lee doesn't win for Best Director, well, there is just no justice.
I'm looking forward to the red carpet shows on E!. I used to watch Joan and Melissa, but since they've moved to the Siberia of the TV GUIDE Channel for bigger bucks (who can blame them) they don't get a prime spot on the carpet anymore, and Joan's brain has fossilized, and I just can't stand to hear her lie about how 'beautiful' her homely daughter is anymore.
So, I'm sticking with E!, so I can see everyone and make fun of them while I stuff my face with chips, dip and Buffalo Wings. Hey, that's the same menu we had on Super Bowl Sunday. Guess why they call this the Gay Super Bowl. Chris Rocks statement that only gay men are interested in the Oscars is probably true. The good thing is we don't have to sit through his lame jokes this year!
Hooray for Hollywood - such as it is.
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